Archive for November, 2013

Encore Angel

November 7th, 2013 – 7:44 pm
Filed as: Shows

Kneeling AngelGot 2 pieces accepted to the Encore Angel Exhibit at the Santa Barbara Tennis Club. This is one of the pieces, it’s a Polaroid transfer onto watercolor paper, so that each one is an original, this has some hand tinting. The reception opening is Friday November 8th 5:30 ~ 7:30pm. The exhibit will be up until December 7th with gallery hours 9am`8pm daily. Hope you can make it.

Inkspots of Ventura 6th Annual Exhibit

November 7th, 2013 – 7:05 pm
Filed as: Shows

Call to PrayerThe opening on  November 1st had a great turnout, we all had a good time.  This is one of the pieces I am exhibiting. The exhibit will be up until December 7th, with the gallery open on Saturdays 1-4 PM or by appointment. 643 Ventura Ave, Ventura 93001. I’d love to meet you at the gallery.